Sunday, August 16, 2015

Top 15 Psych Episodes

Having completed Psych recently, I thought I'd make a list of my favorite episodes. Skeptical at first at the show's premise (a psychic detective comedy) and the network (USA) it was on, I immediately fell in love with the show. The lead is constantly making jokes and tv/movie references and his partner is hilarious neurotic and obsessed with food. Anyway, here it is. They're in order of season, not favorite.

1.       Weekend Warriors (Season 1, Ep 6)

-          Civil War Reenactment. The episode itself isn't hilarious, but I enjoyed it like it were an episode of SVU; the case intrigued more so than the comedy.

2.       Shawn Vs. the Red Phantom (Season 1, Ep 8)

-          Comic book convention

3.       Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion (Season 2, Ep 15)

-          Shawn & Gus go undercover as male models

4.       Murder? Anyone?...Anyone?...Buell… (Season 3, Ep 2)

-          High school reunion. This episode probably has one of Psych's first dramatic moments, as Shawn encounters his high school crush (Rachael Leigh Cook - smoke show) who he stood up for a date ten years prior.

5.       Tuesday the 17th (Season 3, Ep 15)

-          Friday the 13th parody

6.       An Evening with Mr. Yang (Season 3, Ep 16)

-          The first in a three-part series involving a diabolical serial killer.

7.       High Noon-ish (Season 4, Ep 3)

-          Shawn and Gus try to save a Western theme park sort of place.

8.       Mr. Yin Presents… (Season 4, Ep 16)
       - The second part of the trilogy. The series of clues are based on films directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the master of horror.

9.   Viagra Falls (Season 5, Ep 6)
      - Henry's old cop buddies rejoin the force to solve a crime. Their chemistry and senility are what make the episode.
10. Cog Blocked (Season 8, Ep 5)
       - Someone who closely resembles Gus (in both appearance and lifestyle) and no one seems to care. This sets him off, as he tries to solve the crime to prove that someone like himself would never commit suicide.

11.   This Episode Sucks (Season 6, Ep 3)

-          Vampires. Shawn does a hilarious impression of Tom Cruise from "Interview with the Vampire".

12.   The Amazing Psych-Man and Tap-Man (Season 6, Ep 4)

-          “The Catch” and “Tap-Man”. Shawn and Gus fight crime as their stupid but amusing superhero personas.

13.   Shawn Interrupted (Season 6, Ep 6)
      - Parody of the film "Girl Interrupted". Shawn "pretends" to be insane to go undercover at a mental institution.

14.   Indiana Shawn and the Temple of the Kinda Crappy, Rusty Old Dagger (Season 6, Ep 10)

           - Guest starring Cary Elwes (who pretty much died after the mid '90s. What happened to him?  Princess Bride. Robin Hood Men in Tights. Then...) Some of my favorite quotes are from this episode.

15.   Office Space (Season 7, Ep 11)
      - Gus's boss dies in the office and they try to solve the crime before he becomes a suspect. His reaction to learning of his boss's death is priceless.
Honorable Mentions: Lassie Jerky (documentary in woods), Last Night Gus (Hangover parody)
Top Psych Quotes
1.       “Not for Spiderman. What? He wouldn’t even need his webs, he could just scale it with the sticky crawl. What the heck am I talking about?” – Burton Guster, Season 7
2.       “Stealth mode? Hit the Jackyl switch.” – Burton Guster
3.       “That’s your problem, Gus. You brought a funeral program to a knife fight.” – Shawn Spencer, Season 6
4.       “You want to bumble with the bee.” – Burton Guster, Season 6
5.       “You tell me where that chocolate room is right now or I will kill you myself.” – Burton Guster, Season 7
6.       “Ha! That is where you are wrong, sir. What you’re smelling are buffalo wing-flavored Snyder’s pretzels of Hanover…It’s America’s pretzel” – Shawn & Gus
7.       “Watch out for the stuffed mushroom appetizers. It’s a scam job. It looks like there’s sausage inside, but it’s really all vegetables.” – Burton Guster, Season 7