Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Top 20 Randy Marsh Episodes

The following is a list of what I think are some of the best South Park episodes that feature my favorite character, Randy Marsh (Stan's dad). While he didn't gain a strong role until around season 9, I see Randy as the lifeblood of the show. Whenever a new season approaches, I always wait for the 1 or 2 episodes that feature Randy. He is the funniest, most outrageous character on the show (Cartman is right up there with him). Even in the dullest episodes, Randy manages to shine above all the rest. So here's my list, feel free to comment or share your own favorites. I know I'm not the only Randy lover out there.

1. The Losing Edge (Season 9)
 - This is where it all began. While Randy had a supporting role and sometimes a strong role in the first 8 seasons, after this episode, Randy began frequently to get his own episodes. And why wouldn't he? He gets wasted at Stan's baseball games and, in a thin parody of Rocky, fights other dads, ending in an epic battle against "Batdad".

2. Bloody Mary (Season 9)
 - Randy has a real problem with alcohol addiction. And when he's told that alcoholism is a disease, he takes it seriously and tries to find a cure. And for some reason he shaves his head and gets a wheelchair.

3. Medical Fried Chicken (Season 14)
 - In order to legally buy marijuana, Randy deliberately gives himself testicle cancer. The results: abnormally large balls. From bouncing on his huge balls, to carrying them in a wheelbarrow while singing "Buffalo Soldier", Randy is at the top of his game in this one.

4. More Crap (Season 11)
 - Randy takes the biggest crap and is ever so proud of it. The episode also disses U2's Bono, which is a big bonus, as South Park claims, he is the biggest piece of crap.

5. Crème Fraiche (Season 14)
 - Randy becomes obsessed with the cooking channel and has a sexual affair with food, basically. Crème Fraiche is what really sets him off.

6. Over Logging (Season 12)
 - The internet is down and the Marsh family travels to California to find some. We get a glimpse into all of Randy's weird sexual fetishes, ending in the most disgustingly awesome ways imaginable.

7. Something Wall-mart This Way Comes (Season 8)
 - Randy becomes obsessed, or rather, mentally controlled by the new Wall-mart in town. It causes him to quit his job as a geologist so he can get a discount at Wall-mart. He also has dreams about it at night and presses his naked chest against the window because of how it makes him feel.

8. Spontaneous Combustion (Season 3)
 - One of the earliest Randy episodes. Randy solves the spontaneous combustion crisis and is hailed a hero. Until other problems arise. The highlight of the episode is the fantasies that overcome Randy and how he is in a way compared to Christ.

9. With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (Season 11)
 - Randy says the "N" word on national television and is ridiculed and alienated from society.

10. About Last Night...(Season 12)
 - Obama wins the presidential election and Randy celebrates by parading in the streets and getting hammered. He sings various songs while inserting Obama into the songs (celebrate good Obama, come on...hey Obama-bama...Hey Obama, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Obama...who let the Obama out). During his celebration, Randy tells his boss off in the worst of ways, only to end up getting fired.

11. Freemium Isn't Free (Season 18)
 - Not a great episode in general, but some of Randy's greatest moments. He accuses Stan of having an addiction, all the while displaying his obvious alcohol addiction. But it's not an addiction if you're sampling various wines, right? Even if each wine is in a huge glass and Randy downs each glass in a second.

12. The Cissy (Season 18)
 - Randy is secretly Lorde. Enough said.

13. Cock Magic (Season 18)
- While the episode as a whole is pretty weak, Randy's part in it is absolutely hilarious. We find out that Randy is a sort of magician...but dirtier.

14. A Nightmare on Facetime (Season 16)
- Randy buys a Blockbuster around the time of Halloween and no one comes. Randy loses his mind in the same vein as Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

15. Night of the Living Homeless (Season 11)
 - There is a homeless epidemic sweeping across South Park. Randy is the town's only hope, despite shooting a friend's head off simply because he asked for "some change".

16. Broadway Bro-Down (Season 15)
 - Randy discovers the secret behind going to the theater and gets in "bro downs".

17. Informative Murder Porn (Season 17)
 - Randy and his wife become obsessed with crime shows.

18. My Future Self n' Me (Season 6)
 - Not exactly a "Randy episode", but Randy makes it memorable when he cuts off a man's hand so that it would happen in the future as well.

19. Something You Can Do With Your Finger (Season 4)
- Again, not a Randy episode, but Randy is in true form here. We find out he was a pop star when he was young, which he makes evident when he smashes his head into a case of glass. He also makes a comeback, singing with his son and his friends in a mall.

20. Make Love, Not Warcraft (Season 10)
 - Randy joins his son and friends in the game of Warcraft, although he sucks at it. His embellishing during the game, such as when he dies, is a riot.

Honorable Mentions: Black Friday trilogy (Season 17), Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub (Season 3), Guitar Queer-o (Season 11)


  1. Websites like this are garbage they dont even give credit to the episode number..

    1. A true fan would know what season the episode is in.

  2. Randy Marsh is my favorite character too
